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Port Map

A port map is typically used to define the interconnection between instances in a structural description (or netlist). A port map maps signals in an architecture to ports on an instance within that architecture. Port maps can also appear in a configuration or a block.


  port map ([Formal =>] Actual, ...)

  Formal = {either} Name FunctionCall
  Actual = {either} Name FunctionCall open


Label:ComponentName generic map(-); for-use-generic map(-); block-port(-);;-begin-end


The two forms of syntax (ordered list or explicitly named ports) can be mixed, but the ordered list must come before the named ports. Within an instance, the formals are ports on the component or entity being instanced, the actuals are signals visible in the architecture containing the instance. Within a configuration, the formals are ports on the entity, the actuals are ports on the component. If the actual is a conversion function, this is called implicitly as values are passed in. If the formal is a conversion function, this is called implicitly as values are passed out.


Use the port names rather than order to improve readability and reduce the risk of making connection errors.


  component COUNTER
    port (CLK, RESET: in Std_logic;
          UpDown: in Std_logic := '0';                  -- default value
          Q: out Std_logic_vector(3 downto 0));
  end component;
  -- Positional association...
  G1: COUNTER port map (Clk32MHz, RST, open, Count);

  -- Named association (order doesn't matter)...
  G2: COUNTER port map ( RESET => RST,
                         CLK => Clk32MHz,
                         Q(3) => Q2MHz,
                         Q(2) => open,  -- unconnected
                         Q(1 downto 0) => Cnt2,
                         UpDown => open);

See Also

Port, Instantiation, Component, Block, Generic Map